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      Contact Us

Have a question? Want to make a comment? We’d love to hear from you.

Just fill out the contact form below, making sure to include your name and email address. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Our contact info is at the bottom of this page.

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Note: We don't accept any unpublished works. Please don't send any unsolicited material either by e-mail, by mail, by courier, or by any other delivery service. This includes, but is not limited to unpublished manuscripts, unpublished short stories, or any other unpublished material. We don't comment or offer any opinions on any such material. Any unpublished material that is sent to us shall remain unread, and will not be returned if sent by mail, by courier, or by any other delivery service, but instead it will be destroyed. If any unpublished material is sent to us by e-mail it shall be deleted. Our mailing address and e-mail are listed below.

Our Contact Info:


 Immacolata Argiro and Patrick Argiro or 1780148 Ontario Inc.

 10719 Torbram Road

 Brampton, Ontario


 L6R 0A6


(905) 799-1199

